Nick Jonas Knows You Think He’s Trying to Be Marky Mark

Nick Jonas for Flaunt Magazine / Mark Wahlberg for Calvin Klein
Musician Nick Jonas posed in his underwear for Flaunt magazine in photos released last week, and with all the crotch-grabbing and lip-biting and ab-bearing, it looks like he drew a bit of inspiration from the original crotch-grabber, Mark Wahlberg.
“Yes, it was an inspiration for the whole shoot,” Jonas told Boston. “It felt like my physicality was similar to Marky Mark’s at the time, so we basically did some creative looks at [Wahlberg’s] pictures and references and worked from there.”
The photos alone show that his image has changed dramatically since his more conservative days as a Disney pop star as part of the Jonas Brothers. In fact, the JoBro’s career ventures are actually very parallel to Mark Wahlberg’s: starting off in a boy band with his siblings, making some solo records for a few years, dabbling in modeling before getting into acting. It’s all very familiar.
Jonas laughed, “I was down to do [the shoot]. I was really excited for the opportunity.”
Hey, maybe he’ll be the star of the 18th installment of Transformers. Or maybe he’ll open a worldwide burger franchise with his brothers. Jonas Burgers, anyone?
Aside from his modeling endeavors, the former boy-bander has a load of projects on his plate including his solo music career and a couple of acting gigs. He brings his Nick Jonas Live tour to Boston on October 8 at the Wilbur Theatre.
In terms of a set list, Jonas has a range of his own songs to select from, but expect some covers as well. The Jonas Brothers have previously covered Shania Twain’s “I’m Gonna Getcha Good” and Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline.” But Jonas promises this tour’s covers “are more modern covers than I’ve done in the past,” including songs from Sam Smith and Frank Ocean.
“I’m so excited for the show in Boston,” he added. “I think it’s going to be the best one yet. Boston’s always an amazing crowd.”
Nick Jonas Live comes to the Wilbur Theatre on Wednesday, October 8, at 8 p.m.,