Doin’ It Well

1190138689Nobody likes sex education. Kids don’t like it because they think they’ve already learned what they need to know from their mother’s poorly-hidden Sex and the City DVDs. Adults don’t like it because they have to be honest with their progeny, and because nobody can agree how much to tell the little hormone factories. But one lady in Maine hates sex education so much, she’s resorted to stealing from the Lewiston Public Library.

64-year-old JoAn Karkos of Lewiston, Maine was deeply offended by the book It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex & Sexual Health. She was so offended by the talk of masturbation, gay sex, and naked cartoon children that she kept the books for herself.

Let’s let Ms. Karkos explain it, since it’s kind of confusing:

“Since I have been sufficiently horrified of the illustrations and the sexually graphic, amoral abnormal contents, I will not be returning the books. . . . Hopefully, this will harness enough people to be sufficiently horrified and and want to speak out, to say it’s gone too far. . . .”

Her letter to the editor of the Sun Journal doesn’t really clarify matters either:

“. . . It teaches children they have a right to sex, and that their bodies and others’ bodies are toys made for recreation.

Innocence is stolen and minds are imprinted with activities that rob children of the natural progression of sexual investigation. Instructions for sexual maturation are to be given by parents and/or adults who have a good sense of what is truth, what is goodness and what is beautiful.

Sexual predators have got to love this book, which promotes sexual excitement in children, and gets children past the stage of embarrassment, blush and shame, and engaged in its activities.”

Except that, according to the book’s table of contents, there’s a whole section about sexual abuse, but nothing about instilling a sense of shame in children for exploring their sexuality. Perhaps this book is more palatable for those who want to leave their children in the dark about sexuality?

Thankfully, the Lewiston Public Library is not fazed by JoAn Karkos’ crazy:

Rosemary Waltos, director of the Auburn Public Library, said Karkos’ decision not to return the book was “an inappropriate act” that will likely prove fruitless.

“If somebody wants a copy, they can get one,” she said, noting that at least three dozen Maine libraries have copies available for interlibrary loan.

So go forth, children of Maine. Learn about the wonders of sexuality on a 14-day loan. And perhaps Ms. Karkos can make a donation of reading material she finds more appropriate for parents who share her opinion.