Townie Town Hall
Not every item of note can make it into Boston’s big dailies. We scoured the local papers to keep you up-to-date.
Talk about not being able to read a room: A patron at Phoenix Landing in Cambridge was arrested after allegedly praising Adolf Hitler and shouting “I hate white Democratic lesbians.” [Cambridge Chronicle]
Wonder how that guy feels about Cambridge’s new mayor: After a deadlocked vote last Monday, Cambridge City Council has elected Denise Simmons the mayor of Cambridge. She is the second black and openly gay mayor of the city. [Cambridge Chronicle]
The governor loves to unveil new policy in Somerville: Gov. Deval Patrick will officially announce his multi-million dollar plan to expand education at Somerville’s Kennedy School today. It was only a few months ago Patrick stood in Somerville and promised the transit-starved area will see the Green Line expansion by the end of his governorship. [Somerville Journal]
In other news, water promises to be wet: Waltham’s Daily News Tribune titles an article about the swearing in of the new head of the police department “Police chief pledges to protect city.” Thank God. We thought he would let lawless tribes roam unchecked. [Daily News Tribune]
We’re going to have turbines from Newburyport to Nantucket: Town officials in Hull are continuing with plans to build four wind turbines off the coast of Nantasket Beach that would supply 12 percent of the town’s electricity needs. [Patriot Ledger]