The Not-So-Secret Blog of a Player’s Wife
Sports fans don’t get very much insight into the lives of players’ wives. The women behind some of our favorite stars will occasionally sit down for a magazine profile or to talk about a cause near to their heart, but rarely do we catch a glimpse of day-to-day life for these women.
Which is why we were sad to learn that Meryl Masterson (great name, by the way) wife of Red Sox pitcher Justin Masterson, removed her Xanga page.
As we watched Clay Buchholz get shelled in Baltimore last night (have fun in Portland, Clay!), a friend asked us if we’d seen a post on Surviving Grady that excerpted from Masterson’s blog.
No, we had not. But we suddenly very much wanted to.
Unfortunately for us, the Surviving Grady post has been taken down because, as writer Red explains, “Some readers suggested it might not be intended for public consumption.” The point is moot now—Soxaholix reports that Mrs. Masterson removed her Xanga page entirely.
After reading the page cached on Google, we wish she’d reconsider. How can you not love lines like this?
And we stuck out Giambi.
Nice stash by the way.
And Meryl’s fascination with the sweet spread on the team plane is endearing.
I think the high light though was definetly the plane flight home with the entire Red Sox team. That was cool being a few rows up from Manny Ramirez, and next to Lester. We each got three seats to ourselves, and whatever food or drink you could possibly want whenever you wanted!!!!! It was the best flight ever.
We know there’s the occasional scary Sox fan, but most of us are kind folk, Mrs. Masterson, and we love to read about the minutia of the players’ lives. On your blog, you mention baking cookies for the team before they took on the Yankees. Did you know the Red Sox have an annual cookie-off that we wait all winter to see?
You could become the Curt Schilling of the Red Sox Wives. We see that you like to keep an eye on the groupies interact with your husband’s fans on their blogs. You could cut out the media middleman when you have a cause you’d like to promote. Maybe you could make a little extra cash by selling ad space.
The Secret Lives of the Players’ Wives