You Can Take Heavy Metal Yoga at the Peabody Essex Museum

Hammett poses in the “It’s Alive” exhibit hall/Photo provided
Museums typically exude a calm quiet rivaled only by libraries. But this month at the Peabody Essex Museum, it’s going to get loud.
To accompany “It’s Alive!”—an exhibition of horror and sci-fi movie posters, lobby cards, and other creepy memorabilia from the private collection of Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett—the museum is hosting a special heavy metal yoga class on September 23. We can only assume the playlist will include a little Metallica.
The not-so-restful flow will be taught by Salem instructor Tina Moroney, who has in the past offered metal yoga at Once Somerville, the Salem Satanic Temple, and other spaces around the area. According to the PEM, you can expect the experience to transport “your body and mind to a place of focus and connection while inciting the beautiful darkness within.”
Signing up for yoga is technically free, but to get in you’ll need to purchase admission to the museum, which costs $20 for non-member adults. You can find more information about the class here, and the horror exhibition, which is on view through November 26, here. Rock on, yogis.
Free with $20 admission, 9/23, 9 a.m. Peabody Essex Museum, 161 Essex St., Salem,