Lowell Man Gets Warning from Police After Sending Ariana Grande a Massive Pumpkin

Photo via Associated Press
Love can be expressed in many ways, whether it’s through physical affection, letters, or acts of kindness. But in the case of one Lowell man, it’s go big, or go home—even when the police get involved.
This week, Timothy Normandin, 29, was reprimanded by Lowell officers after he admitted to sending pop singer Ariana Grande a 42.5-pound pumpkin and other New England-themed goodies. The lengthy list of gifts included eight Yankee candles, a rock from the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and a piece of jewelry from Kay Jewelers. His package to the starlet also contained some “dog and cat calendars,” according to officials.
First reported by TMZ, Lowell Police later confirmed that they showed up at Normandin’s house to tell him that if he didn’t stop sending gifts, it could become a criminal matter. Police said they issued the warning after Grande’s record label and security team complained about the items showing up in her name.
In response, Normandin told Boston that despite the request from law enforcement officials—and Grande— to cease the gift-giving, he still plans to shower the singer with presents. “Right now I possess a necklace that I will give to her,” he said.
When asked why he sent the massive pumpkin, Normandin said he “heard [Grande] liked Halloween.” He said it, along with some apples, cost around $100 to ship in the mail.
“I had just decided to start sending gifts to her record label. Something she would notice,” he claimed.
And notice she did.
On November 1, Normandin said police slammed him with the legal definition of “criminal harassment,” as it’s described in the Massachusetts General Laws, when they began their investigation into the matter.
In a post on his Facebook page, he re-wrote the definition as it’s written in the state’s rule books, and put some of the citation in capital letters, including parts about “maliciously” causing someone “emotional distress.”
“Well, that’s the legal definition that they slam me with,” he wrote on Facebook. “The capital portions explain how I don’t fit the definition. Of course, trials and the way court is operated aren’t truly fair. They reach their decision and they don’t listen to your fair reasoning and argument. Nothing real fair about having your intellect silenced in a room full of ignorance.”
Normandin’s Facebook page also includes personal musings with pictures of Grande and her now-boyfriend, Big Sean, a hip hop artist from Detroit. A recent post with a picture of the couple indicated that Normandin still has his eyes set on the “Break Free” singer:
My love sets you free so you can spite me as you please and we’ll hope it works out/But, you’d be best with me, that’s a CERTAINTY, no doubt.
As news spread about the gifts Normandin has been shipping off to Grande, people started chiding the super-fan on his publicly viewable Facebook page:
Undeterred by the negative attention, Normandin told Boston that he’s going to “keep doing what I am doing, and hope others will also bring justice to the situation.” He said he has already mailed Grande a “floor clock” scheduled to be delivered on December 1.
Asked about people’s reactions to what he was doing, Normandin said he’d like to remind people about the story of Robin Hood and Lady Marian, in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. “[Robin Hood] saves the rejectful [sic] Lady Marian from a forced marriage to the greedy and tyrannical sheriff of Nottingham,” he said.
Normandin went on to say that he considers himself a “romantic,” and he hopes that he will get Grande’s attention so she will be “more mindful…and use her influence for better.”
“She only knows a love too soft and therefore sets a bad example of love. She is very young, though…not too much to blame—the society of the world she was born into as well as pop culture has certainly had an influence on her,” he said.