Emily’s List, AFSCME Make $1.5 Million Boston Ad Buy for NH Senate Race
Two progressive political action committees have reserved $1.5 million in advertising in the Boston market ahead of the tightly contested New Hampshire Senate race between Gov. Maggie Hassan, a Democrat, and incumbent Sen. Kelly Ayotte.
Women’s group Emily’s List and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the country’s largest trade union of public employees, will air pro-Hassan ads on broadcast and cable TV in the Boston market between August 9 and 22, Boston has learned.
Emily’s List and AFSCME previously collaborated on a $2.5 million ad buy in Boston and on New Hampshire’s WMUR in July.
“Maggie Hassan has been on the front lines fighting for women and families her entire career,” said Jessica O’Connell, executive director of Emily’s List, in a statement last month. “New Hampshire deserves better than Kelly Ayotte, who time and again has sided with special interests and the extreme GOP at the expense of the hardworking families she was elected to represent. We’re proud to stand with Governor Hassan and bring her strong vision for New Hampshire to the United States Senate in November.”
The news comes just a day after Donald Trump trashed Ayotte in an interview with the Washington Post, calling her “weak.” Despite his remarks, Ayotte still supports—but not formally endorses—the Republican presidential nominee.