Bernie Sanders Is Coming Back to Boston

Photo via AP
It feels like forever ago, really, those days when Bernie Sanders was ascendant. Once a written off as an idealistic pain in the neck to Democratic heir apparent, Hillary Clinton, the Vermont senator managed to be a formidable force in a primary that could easily have been a snoozer, and put an unanticipated amount of pressure on the soon-to-be nominee. He managed to win 22 states, nearly beat Clinton here in Massachusetts, and drew an unprecedented 20,000-strong crowd to an October rally at the convention center.
And then, it was over. He conceded, endorsed his opponent as has spent the past few months hitting the campaign trail and doing his damnedest to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.
But, Sanders hopes, the revolution isn’t over. It’s taking a new form now, and it’s heading through Boston.
He will be appearing at the Berklee Performance Center on Sunday, Nov. 20, to promote his new book, Our Revolution: A Future to Believe in, and rep his new 501(c)(4) political organization by the same name, the college announced yesterday. Tickets for the event, presented by Brookline Booksmith and WBUR, went on sale at 10 a.m. Thursday. They’re $33 and include a copy of the book. More from Berklee’s website:
In Our Revolution, Sanders shares his personal experiences from the campaign trail, recounting the details of his historic primary fight and the people who made it possible. And for the millions looking to continue the political revolution, he outlines a progressive economic, environmental, racial, and social justice agenda that will create jobs, raise wages, protect the environment, and provide healthcare for all—and ultimately transform our country and our world for the better. For him, the political revolution has just started. The campaign may be over, but the struggle goes on.
Want to Feel the Bern all over again? Now’s your chance.