What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers. Still no art from the Herald. Was it something we said?

1193229067Fight for your bill of rights: Boston City Councilors want a “Taxicab Bill of Rights” that would entitle passengers to a quiet and direct ride to their destination. In turn, cab drivers want their own bill of rights that gives them recourse when a drunk undergrad pukes in their car. Maybe if everyone behaved themselves we wouldn’t need to legislate common decency. [Globe]

Maybe we can invite foreigners to our casinos? A Senate committee has found that Massachusetts is losing its stature in the global economy. Of course, the Legislature blames it all on Mitt Romney. [Herald]

Need tickets? Selling tickets? Our city’s rich and powerful are haggling to get World Series tickets. Come on, guys. Don’t you make enough money to buy them on Stub Hub? [Globe]

It sure sounds like you do: Just in time for holiday shopping, senate Republicans are looking to close the loophole that allows state legislators to practice law privately, perhaps arguing cases before judges they confirmed. Don’t they know how much a PlayStation costs? [Herald]