Snow and Blame
Last night, just about everybody had a horrendous commute. Instead of chalking it up to the fact that the snow came so fast it all but made a cartoony ker-flump sound as it fell, various state officials have started pointing fingers at each other for the jammed roadways and stranded kids.
Far be it from us to ignore an opportunity to cast blame on a state agency for our problems, so let’s see who we can scapegoat.
The Secretary of State isn’t sure who to blame, but he’s not happy.
Secretary of State Bill Galvin also called for an investigation into what went wrong.
“The fact that this was a relatively modest snow storm, well predicted, points to the failure of leadership, the failure of direction, the lack of coordination, the lack of metropolitan planning. We can’t have … this is unacceptable,” Galvin said.
Naturally, when we hear about a failure of metropolitan planning, we look to Mayor Tom Menino, since this is the most metropolitan of them all. But Menino told the Globe it wasn’t him.
Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who accused the state of being ill prepared for the storm, met with city department heads to talk about what went wrong.
Ah, so it was Gov. Deval Patrick. Strip him naked and stick him head-first in a snowdrift!
“People were asked to leave early, and they didn’t,” Patrick said at a press conference. “The decisions made, particularly by private employers, was to not release as soon as we would have liked. It’s not to lay the fault at private employers, but it’s very hard in a practical manner to plow the roads when everybody is on them.”
Well, shoot. Who can we blame if the city and state said they did all they could?
Oh, yeah. Mitt Romney. That’s who we blame things on around here. Though he’d probably just toss Kathe Tuttman under the bus. Lucky for her, it wasn’t moving very fast.