Clinton, Obama Ruin American Families
I learned at a very young age that politics and family don’t mix. During the early years of Bill Clinton’s presidency, one of my relatives went on a Republican bender. Rush Limbaugh was on every afternoon, and she went so far as to subscribe to the Limbaugh Letter. It was a dark time.
As I got older, I realized that Limbaugh and his ilk were not for me. But even during my teenage years I knew better than to try and talk my relatives out of their political preferences. It’s a lesson that some people still need to learn.
The tensions between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama aren’t limited to the candidates alone. As the race between the two senators drags on, it’s brought out the worst in people.
At one recent get-together in a Boston suburb, somewhere between the tea and the frittata, one Clinton supporter got fed up with the steady diet of pro-Obama and anti-Clinton remarks directed at her by good friends. . . .
“I was sick to death of everyone coming up to me and throwing Barack Obama in my face,” said the woman, who asked not to be identified for fear of further alienating her friends. “I’m 45 years old, I’m smart, I read several papers every day, I’m an informed voter, and I shouldn’t have to feel like I have to defend my vote.”
Wow. Free food and bitchy friends. Sounds like a great party.
Some people are even using their children to sway their partners.
In Somerville, Nancy Rosenzweig and Lori Johnston are in a mixed marriage: Rosenzweig is for Obama, Johnston for Clinton.
Rosenzweig. . . admits she is more obnoxious, putting Obama stickers on the couple’s two young daughters and “brainwashing” the older one.
“She has our 2-year-old whisper ‘Barack Obama’ in my ear as I’m sleeping,” said Johnston, a financial adviser.
Allow me to sound like Bill O’Reilly for a second: You all need to shut up.
Besides, there’s frittata to be eaten.