Everybody Hates the Globe
If our beloved daily papers were children on a playground, the Herald would be the brazen bully and the Globe would be the kid everyone finds too snooty to have any fun.
But the Globe may be losing even more popularity on the schoolyard that is the local media scene. For the second time in as many days, other media outlets got the scoop over the paper of record.
At Spring Training yesterday, Curt Schilling collected reporters from select media outlets for an unofficial press conference on his shoulder drama. The Herald was invited: The Globe was not. Ouch.
The snubs extend beyond the sports section. Both of today’s papers had coverage about new Turnpike Authority chairman Alan LeBovidge’s plan to cut as many tollbooth collection jobs as possible.
He acknowledged that further job cuts would meet with resistance from unions. Representatives from Teamsters Union Local 127, which represents toll collectors, were not available for comment yesterday, according to a secretary.
They must not have been unavailable for very long, because the Herald’s Casey Ross got in touch with the Local 127.
“When traffic backs up on the Pike, it’s because there’s not enough toll collectors,” said Robert Cullinane, business manager of Local 127. “They’re forcing the public to get a Fast Lane pass or wait in line.”
Come on, Globe. You’ve got to lighten up a little. Maybe you should try an epic feature about the dangers of expired foods.