Best of Boston 2009
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to win a Best of Boston award?
Nothing! To be clear: We give awards to the best of Boston, period. No advantage is granted to anyone—not advertisers, not friends, not even strangers with candy.
What makes you qualified to judge the best?
Knowing this city inside and out is not only our job, but also our passion. We wore out shoe leather and burned through expense accounts, with some of gaining considerable weight along the way (you try eating 25 hamburgers in two weeks), all for your benefit.
So it’s not a vote?
Correct. Though we believe in transparency, this is no democracy.
How come no one has tried out my restaurant/store/salon/nightclub?
Says you—chance are, we have! Our judges make every attempt to remain anonymous during testing.
How do I nominate my hairstylist/ferret trainer/kidney pie vendor?
Visit and fill out the online nomination form. (This may not be a democracy, but we’re still open-minded.)
Why do some categories have the same winners year after year?
Because they’re still the best! Would you want us to send you to a mediocre restaurant for the sake of variety? Glad we agree.