Register: South End Athletic Company

Photograph by Peter Tannenbaum
Justin Burdon and Dan Fitzgerald are running nerds, the kinds of guys who tack up their BC track team journals in their sports apparel store—for inspiration. But that’s only part of the charm of South End Athletic Company, which opened on Tremont Street a few months back, in Vessel’s former space.
The shop is a true purveyor of running gear, selling performance clothing, sneakers, and eyewear. And while brands here include the regulars—Saucony, Brooks, Oakley—the vibe is hardly jock-shop. The sleek displays showcase hiking backpacks as if they were designer handbags; the sneaker wall treats 80-plus pairs of kicks like works of art. In the gallery-heavy South End, these guys fit right in.
652 Tremont St., Boston, 617-391-0897,