Daily Feed: MIT Struggling to Come to Terms With Student Suicides
Soul-Searching at MIT After Two Student Suicides. The traditionally tight-knit MIT community is struggling to find answers for the recent deaths of two young students, Satto Tonegawa and Nicolas Del Castillo, both 18. “We’re in pain. We’re reeling from the shock. I don’t think we’re ever emotionally prepared to deal with something like this,” chancellor Eric Grimson said. [Boston Globe]
Feel Good Story of the Day: Meet the New 22-Year-Old Mayor of Holyoke. The story of Alex Morse is pretty awe-inspiring: the first in his family to graduate from college (Brown, btw), Morse is a guy who sits on numerous boards, is active in a lot of local organizations, and was just elected mayor of the town where he was born and raised. Oh yeah, and he knocked out Elaine Pluta, a political fixture for decades. [MassLive.com]
After Epic Collapse, Red Sox Keep Ticket Prices the Same for 2012. Of course, they wouldn’t take a revenue hit in ticket sales after this year’s abysmal showing, but at least they didn’t decide to charge the fans more buck. [Business Week]
Traveling in Boston: High Culture Gets Cheap And Easy. The New York Times’ Frugal Traveler does pretty well for himself on his visit to the land of a thousand colleges. Sometimes even we forget how handy it is to have all these universities next door. [New York Times]
Boston Cops Solve Cold Cases Using Genetic Information. Some of the cases date back as far as the 1980s. It’s an immense relief for the families of the victims — and weirdly satisfying for the rest of us (come on, you know you have a secret CSI addiction you’ve been hiding). [My Fox Boston]