Menino Says He's 'Excited' to Address DNC
Menino Says He’s ‘Excited’ to Address DNC. In other Menino/DNC/Herald news coming out of Charlotte, the Truth Squad tried to offer him a Chick-fil-A sandwich, but he didn’t bite, instead giving it a thumbs-down. [Herald]
Make No Mistake About Elizabeth Warren’s DNC Speech Audience. “I’m talking to the folks in Massachusetts the whole time,” Warren said. “Because our race may be a race for control of the United States Senate, a race about advancing the Republican agenda, or working with President Obama to build a real future for working families.” [Globe]
Yep, That’s One Depressed Bobby Valentine On the Cover of Sports Illustrated. Cover line: How the Red Sox Lost Their Way. And many other words behind Bobby V: fiasco, dysfunctional, overpaid, epic collapse, unprepared, chicken and beer, sellout, circus, … [SI]
Massachusetts Is Successful Because It’s Always Been Successful. In response to Deval Patrick’s claim in his DNC speech last night that life in Mass. has been great during his tenure and was bleak during Mitt Romney’s, Matthew Yglesias at Slate says that Patrick is “selling short” his predecessors—and that most states’ economic well-being today is not very far from how it was nearly 100 years ago. [Slate]
Massachusetts Education: If It Ain’t Broke, Why Fix It? Like most other states, Massachusetts, long the country’s gold standard for K-12 and higher education with some of the best high schools in the country, is revising its curriculum through the Common Core State Standards. While this new era in education reform is meant to make America competitive globally, many question why Massachusetts would shake up a system that seems to be working so well. [Christian Science Monitor]