Kenny Chesney On Good Morning America For Boston Medical Center

Kenny Chesney talking about the Spread the Love Fund and Boston Medical Center on Good Morning America. Screenshot via
Kenny Chesney was on Good Morning America (GMA) Friday talking about the Spread The Love Fund, a charity he created after watching the Boston Marathon bombings in real time. Like so many of us, Chesney wanted to help. He immediately reached out to WKLB‐FM, one of Boston’s country music radio stations, to see how he could fund and support those who would need prosthetics after amputations.
Chesney established the Spread The Love Fund which works with Boston Medical Center (BMC) to help pay for prosthetics, fittings, ongoing care, and physical therapy that will be required for the victims. He co-wrote and recorded the song, “Spread The Love” with the Wailers, and proceeds go to the fund.
Friday on GMA, Chesney told his loyal members of “No Shoes Nation” that he’s selling T-shirts and donating the proceeds. “We are selling these [Spread The Love] shirts for Boston Medical Center,” Chesney says on the GMA concert stage. “It’s a fund to help the victims of the Boston Marathon whose lives were changed that day forever, through no fault of their own. We started the fund and proceeds from the song downloads and the shirts goes to victims to get prothetic limbs.”
You can download “Spread The Love” on iTunes. To see Chesney’s appearance on GMA talking about Spread The Love, click here.
“I am honored that Mr. Chesney has selected Boston Medical Center as the home of the Spread the Love Fund,” says Kate Walsh, President and CEO of Boston Medical Center. “BMC cared for many of the patients most seriously injured in the Boston Marathon bombings, patients who have a long journey of recovery ahead. Over time, the spotlight will fade, but their needs will go on.”