Glenn Beck Names Boston One of 15 Cities ‘to Avoid Like the Plague’

Good work, everyone!

Photo by AP

Photo by AP

Remember Glenn Beck? The weepy pied piper of mid-to-late-Aughts recession-fueled conservative angst? Or as someone once put it, “a giant, screaming baby that was dipped in buttermilk”?

It’s been four years since Beck last scribbled his all-encompassing conspiracy theories on a Fox News chalkboard, moving his eponymous program over to his own online-only network, The Blaze. On his radio program there, the 51-year-old pundit provided a list of the top 15 cities to “avoid like the plague.”

“I want to give you the top 10 or 15 cities that I think are going to melt down,” Beck said. “These are the cities that you do not want to live anywhere around as things get worse and worse.”

Beck’s list is as follows:

  1. Portland, Oregon
  2. San Francisco
  3. Seattle
  4. Denver
  5. Phoenix
  6. St. Petersburg, Florida
  7. Columbus, Ohio
  8. Detroit
  9. Boston
  10. Los Angeles
  11. Milwaukee
  12. Las Vegas
  13. Minneapolis-St. Paul
  14. Washington D.C.
  15. St. Louis


“What do all these cities have in common?” Beck said. “They are the most progressive cities in America. That’s not what I based this on…This is the list of the top 15 least religious cities in America.”

So stock your Bunker Hill bunker with pinto beans and get ready for the end times, folks. All our highfalutin godlessness is about to catch up with us, and don’t say Beck didn’t warn you.