We Tried It: Star Wars Fitness at Boston Sports Clubs

Awaken Your Inner Force in action. Photos by Olga Khvan
“All right guys, grab your lightsabers.”
Welcome to Awaken Your Inner Force, the newest fitness offering at Boston Sports Clubs. Inspired by the latest installment of the Star Wars series, The Force Awakens, the 45-minute circuit training class uses body weight, gliders, and—yes—lightsabers to help gym rats channel their inner Jedi. BSC is offering the class for free at its Boylston Street location Thursdays through January, and it’s open to members and non-members alike.
Here’s a spoiler: You will look ridiculous. You will feel ridiculous. Your friends will laugh at you. You will laugh at yourself. But you will also work up a legitimate sweat as instructor Cassie Brown coaches you through multiple rounds of cardio drills such as “kicking out the Dark Side” and “Darth Vader push-ups.”
That’s perhaps the most surprising thing about the class: It’s hard. Other than occasional Star Wars references and the aforementioned lightsabers—which are mostly incorporated into choreographed strength sequences—this is a regular circuit training class, and it’s difficult. You’ll forget all about the gimmick when you’re doing rolling burpees for a minute, or struggling not to collapse from a set of shoulder push-ups. By the time the class ends, concluding with floor work like glute bridges and sit-ups, your inner Force will be ready to take a nap.
Star Wars fan or not, it’ll probably be among the most bizarre group fitness classes you’ll ever take. Curious? Give it a shot. In the words of Yoda: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
Free. Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. through January. Boston Sports Clubs, 505 Boylston St., Boston, 617-236-1189, mysportsclubs.com.