Reebok Soda Survey: A Third of People Would Choose Soda Over Sex

The company is removing soda, candy, and fried foods from its headquarters.


Reebok employees disposing of a vending machine. Photo provided

Would you choose your afternoon Diet Coke over sex? If you’re like nearly a third of people surveyed by Reebok, the answer is, apparently, yes.

Reebok polled 1,200 Americans about their soda habits and opinions to coincide with the brand’s decision to eliminate soda, candy, fried foods, and white bread from its Canton headquarters, a move announced Thursday. The offending items will be replaced with nuts, fruit, and vegetables.

Other results from the Reebok soda survey include:

  • Thirty percent of respondents said they’d rather lose a pinky toe than give up soda. The same percentage said they’d rather lose their jobs. Please, please let these people be joking.
  • Four in 10 respondents could not name three or more ingredients in soda.
  • Roughly half of surveyed millennials drink soda out of habit.
  • About a fifth of surveyed millennials said they feel “anger or outrage” when they hear someone drinking a soda, perhaps suggesting that perceptions are slowly beginning to shift.

Banning junk food isn’t a shocking move from a company with an on-site CrossFit box, group fitness studios, and pool. But since a recent Tufts study found that sugar-sweetened beverages contribute to 184,000 deaths around the world each year, it’s a good call for any company.