There’s a New Gym Opening in South Boston Inspired by Movement Culture
It's influenced by the Ido Portal method and is called Body of Work.

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Somewhere along our evolutionary path, we went from beings that had to move to survive to beings who let technology and shortcuts do the moving for us.
Think about it, how many hours of your day are spent at a computer screen sitting? And how many hours of your day are spent walking, rolling, crawling, or moving things from here to there with your own two hands? The time is probably very skewed—through no fault of your own. Enter Body of Work, the newest gym opening in Southie.
“Our world has evolved to a point where life is a little too comfortable,” Sean Germain, owner of Body of Work said in a press release. “We sit all day, machines do our work for us, and exercise is used as punishment to offset poor lifestyle choices. It’s time to think a little differently.”
The studio, opening May 14 in South Boston, is here to shake up that narrative with the first training space of its kind in Boston, inspired by the Ido Portal method and movement culture. Ido Portal believes in the importance of movement as a form of connection and expression, and that we are all humans first, movers second, and only after that, specialists. He conducts movement workshops all over the world and his training hinges on the fact that there is not just one way to move. His workshops focus on a cross-section of movement derived from fitness, dance, martial arts, strength, flexibility, circus and more.
The new studio in South Boston will offer one-on-one personal training, individualized programming, and small group classes utilizing weight training, mobility, gymnastics, locomotion, mind-body connection, animal movement, and play.
“Movement culture isn’t for everyone,” Germain explained in the press release. “But Body of Work is for anyone. As long as you’ve got a body and an open mind, you’ve got a home here.”
First class $10, Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.- 11 a.m., 516 E 2nd St., Boston,

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