Best Schools in Boston 2018
The ultimate guide to Boston preschools. Plus, our annual ranking of the area’s top high schools.
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Our Ranking of 149 Public High Schools in Greater Boston »
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Photograph by Ken Richardson
Bright and Early
Ask around this brainy town, and parents will swear a happy life begins with the right preschool. But how early should the rat race really start? Clue: It’s younger than you think. A candid look at everything you need to know about early education—before it’s too late.
Photo by Ken Richardson / Ken Richardson
How Low Can They Go?
Why the most important thing to ask on your next preschool tour is how much your child’s teacher is paid.
Whatever Happened to Universal Pre-K?
Grading Marty Walsh on his signature campaign promise.
Illustration by Joe Darrow
Meet the Preschool Squad
Say hello to the parents you’ll be spending the next few years with, whether you like it or not.