NECCO Gold ‘Sweethearts’ Selling for $20,000 This Valentine’s Day
If you have an extra $20,000 kicking around and really want to go above and beyond for Valentine’s Day this year, the company that makes those tiny candy hearts with generic messages etched into them is selling a limited supply of 24-karat gold versions of the sweets.
The solid gold “Sweethearts” weigh about a half-ounce each, and come in a package of four. Each heart can be customized with a personal message to that special someone. That really special someone.
NECCO, the Revere-based candy company that makes the the golden Sweethearts, is urging those who don’t mind digging really deep into their pockets to show their affection to order the customizable gift by February 1, so they can arrive by Valentine’s Day. That should give the average person more than enough time to head to their local bank and take out a loan.
The hearts are also selling on a first come, first served basis, with a limited supply of 14 packages.
But if $20,000 is half of your annual salary, don’t fret: you can still express your love on February 14, albeit in a less dramatic fashion. As the candy company notes, “for those with less extravagant tastes” regular candy hearts with customizable messages are also available.
And to take it a step further this year, and tap into the social media side of things, NECCO is also unveiling what they call “Tweethearts.”
It’s exactly what it sounds like. A user Tweets a message to a special NECCO Twitter handle, @tweethearts, and then that message will be printed onto the colored heart candies and delivered as a gift. Unlike the golden counterpart, a one-pound bag of the sweets will only cost you $30.
The Sweethearts “Conversation Hearts,” which started off with basic message but have since been upgraded to modern day lingo, were created in 1866 at NECCO’s headquarters.
The company said they sell about four million pounds of the candies in the six weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day.