The Slade Index

What's hot and not in Boston home design

From Sizzling to Frigid

the slade index

Photo courtesy of Restoration Hardware

1. Bizarre Objects Under Glass

Brimfield bric-a-brac demands the museum treatment. Otherwise, someone may mistake it for genuine junk.

the slade index

Photo by Dreamstime

2. Antique Books

Handstitched calfskin-bound volumes outclass those mass-produced hardcovers bought on

the slade index

Photo by Dreamstime

3. Teetering Vases

Handy rule: To avoid injury and accidents, the circumference of the base must be larger than a Chihuahua’s head.

the slade index

Photo by Dreamstime

4. Balls

Sayonara, year of the sphere. the hot shape for 2012? Tetrahedrons.

Photo by Dreamstime

Photo by Dreamstime

5. Buddha Statues

This wandering mendicant now resides in too many dorm rooms to still be considered a sophisticated décor statement.