A New Major Movie, Tumbledown, Is Filming in Massachusetts This Month

Starring Jason Sudeikis and Joe Manganiello, the film will be shooting in Concord, Mass., this weekend.

Look out Hollywood, Massachusetts is slowly but surely trumping your enviously warm and not-at-all-frigid weather for movie locations. And ain’t nobody gonna stop it.

A new major movie called Tumbledown, starring SNL alum Jason Sudeikis and The Town’s Rebecca Hall, has set up camp in Princeton, Mass., this month. Apparently the film is using settings in the north-central region of the state to substitute for a small town in rural Maine, and Tumbledown is also the first production to use the brand spankin’ new and cutting-edge New England Studios facility in Devens, Mass.

“We are so happy to have this film come to fruition in North Central Massachusetts where we have found the same authentic and kind-hearted spirit as the small Maine town that we aim to replicate in the film,” executive producer Desi Van Til said in a press statement.

Tumbledown follows Hannah (Hall) who is struggling to move on with her life after the death of her husband, an acclaimed folk singer. A brash New York writer named Andrew (Sudeikis) arrives to research her husband and forces her to confront the strange circumstances of his death. Sounds vague, spooky, and dramatic. Aside from Sudeikis and Hall, Tumbledown also stars True Blood’s Joe Manganiello, Blythe Danner, and Beau Bridges.

In terms of shooting location specifics, according to On Location Vacations, Tumbledown will film at Parker II Cemetery and on Upper Merriam Road in Princeton on Sunday. French Lessons boutique in Concord also announced on their website last week that the film will be shooting in their store between March 29 and April 3.

As for other movies that were recently shooting in the area, Denzel Washington and Robert Downey Jr. were in Boston last year filming The Equalizer and The Judge respectively. Vince Vaughn also just wrapped up his work on The Business Trip, which was filmed at Logan Airport and Drumlin Farm in Lincoln. And in early 2013, Oscar-winning picture American Hustle was shooting all around the Boston and Worcester areas.

Just remember: East Coast > West Coast.