Daily Feed: Really Real Housewives of South Boston Don't Get the Joke

Really Real Housewives of South Boston Don’t Get The Joke. Roving reporter Tenley Woodman talked with some real Southie ladies yesterday, and they ain’t seeing the humor of the Real Housewives of South Boston parody. [Herald]

Statements from Lester, Beckett, Lackey: Beer in Dugout ‘Completely False.’ But beer in the clubhouse? Completely true. At this point, it’s just best to look the other way. [ESPN]

Mitt Romney Loses His Cool, But Still Manages to Look Pretty Good. Mind you, given the competition, this is not all that difficult to accomplish, even if you do succumb to bickering on national TV with your competition. [The Atlantic]

Boston Firefighter Makes a Great Catch at Roxbury Fire Scene. After catching a 6-year-old boy who was dropped from a third-story window, Boston Fire Lt. Glenn McGillivray said: “(That was the) first time I had to make a rescue like that, and I hope it’s the last time I have to make a rescue like that.” A real-life Superman. [CBS]

Be It Known: Somerville School Isn’t Actually Banning Holidays. The mayor and his city aren’t thrilled at being painted a violent shade of X-treme Political Correctness by the Herald (and everyone else, for that matter) — and probably won’t mind if people stopped sending angry Speakout calls. [Somerville Blog]

The Town Apparently So Clever That Aspiring Criminals Are Trying Out Its Moves. Fortunately, the Boston-based crime thriller is not so good because the real-life heists it seems to inspire are unsuccessful. [MSN Movies]