Daily Feed: Barely a Paper Trail After Mitt Romney Left Office

Barely a Paper-Trail Remains After Mitt Romney Left Office. His staffers purchased their computer hard drives, and the servers were wiped clean of all e-mails and official correspondence. Just some regular ‘ol housekeeping, or Deval Patrick conspiracy? [Boston Globe]

Four Charged in Million-Dollar MBTA Pass Scam. After hacking into the MBTA pass machine to produce literally tens of thousands of free passes, they proceeded to merrily sell the tickets at a discount rate to the traveling public. It’s a solid get-rich-quick scheme … right up until you get caught. [The Sun Chronicle]

Barack Obama’s Uncle Due in Court Today for DUI. Onyango Obama was arrested in Framingham last May after he allegedly hit a police car. [Fox]

Violent, Vegan Animal Rights Terrorist Suspected in Northampton. Daniel Andreas San Diego was allegedly involved in bombing two biotechnology companies and is thought to be hiding in western Massachusetts. According to his rap sheet on the FBI’s website, he’s also skilled at sailing. Here’s to the FBI getting another scumbag off the streets this year. [Reuters]

Boston Struggles With Bedbug Battle. The latest Fox undercover report. [Fox]

Boston Occupier Launches Print Paper, Changes Name To No Longer Ironically Invoke Boston Globe. The former Occupy Boston Globe — the official non-mainstream-media newspaper of the Occupy Boston movement — will print 25,000 copies of its inaugural edition on Friday. It’s a unique move in an era where almost every other news organization is going the opposite way, but is a pretty savvy business move when the bulk of your readership is sitting in a tent devoid of electricity. It was as part of this occasion that the publication took the opportunity to also change its name. For now, though, the web URL is still the same. [Occupybostonglobe.com]