Robert Bolster oil painting “Green Lady”
Larry Preston oil painting “One Lemon and Canton”
Janis Sanders oil painting “Late Light”
Darlou Gams diptych “Morning” and “Breezing Marsh”
Sheryl Daane Chesnut oil painting “Merrimac Valley”
Jim Inzero encaustic painting “Coast of Maine”
"Air Guitar" marble statue
"Season Premier" oil painting by James Kubiatowicz
“South Station Boston: Arrivals and Departures” oil on anodized aluminum painting by David Dunlop
“Good Morning” cast crystal sculpture by Sarah Seabury Ward
“Emerging Beauty” oil painting by Ronald Tinney
“Flamenco” figurative oil painting by Lisa Noonis
“Spill” oil painting by Jennifer Day
“A Blossom Fell” painting by Liz Gribin
“Long Way Up” oil painting by Stuart Dunkel