A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Van Will be Handing Out Free Pizza

Cowabunga! Customize your free 'za with wacky Turtle-inspired toppings.

teenage mutant ninja turtles

Photo via Paramount Pictures

Peanut butter and clams. Granola and licorice. Butterscotch and anchovies. Tuna with peanut butter and jelly. Those were actual pizzas ordered by the ooze-afflicted Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on their eponymous cartoon. Now you can experience the enchanting symbiosis of anchovies, whipped cream, and other “wacky” toppings when the official TMNT van rolls into Boston on December 14.

The TMNT van, which is currently on a cross-country promotional tour for the release of Michael Bay’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Blu-ray and DVD, will be distributing free pizza and collecting new, unwrapped toys for the local Boys & Girls Club. Grab a slice and customize it with Turtle-inspired toppings and have a chance to score a Turtle eye mask and other prizes.

Remember, the 10-city tour is in celebration of the recent Megan Fox version, not the Criterion Collection edition of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze, which I’m assuming is right around the corner.

Below is the pizza van’s schedule in Boston:

2–4 p.m. – Harvard Square Holiday Faire (Church St. & Mass Ave.)
5–8 p.m. – Faneuil Hall Marketplace (1 Faneuil Hall Square)

Now here’s Vanilla Ice dancing with Michaelangelo: