Massachusetts Ranked Fifth Best State for Working Moms

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Being a working mother is no easy task. But it’s a little bit better in the Bay State.
Massachusetts was ranked the fifth best state in the country for working moms, according to a new report by personal finance social network WalletHub. Vermont took top honors, followed by Minnesota, Connecticut, and North Dakota.
To compile the ranking, WalletHub compared all 50 states and Washington, D.C. using 13 metrics across three dimensions: child care (daycare quality, access to pediatric care, quality of schools), professional opportunities (gender pay gap, median women’s salary, ratio of female executives to male, female unemployment rate), and work-life balance (parental leave policy, woman’s average commute time).
WalletHub also broke down the rankings by political party, based on how each stated fell in the 2012 presidential election. Blue states—that is, states that voted Democrat—scored an average ranking of 21.30, while Red states, which went Republican, had an average rank of 31.25.
In February, WalletHub ranked Massachusetts the fifth best state for women, with Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine placing second, third, and fourth, respectively.
You can check out the full ranking here.