Scenes from Common Boston 2016

This weekend's architecture festival filled Instagram with beautiful building shots.

If you missed Boston’s first-ever open-house architecture festival, you might be able to soak in some of its magic through Instagram.

The festival provided unrestricted access to more than 50 architecturally significant sites in the city, and spurred countless awesome Instagrams. Both beautiful building shots and close-up perspectives abound in the #cb16 hashtag. Check out five scenes from Common Boston 2016 below.

1. There was a funky inflatable installation at the Boston Architectural College.

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2. The always enchanting Metropolitan Waterworks Museum sparkled.

3. Another favorite exhibit at the BAC was an augmented reality sandbox.

A photo posted by Victoria Pham (@phamv_) on

4. The Tiffany stained glass ceiling at the Ayer Mansion is a marvel on its own.

A photo posted by Lara Holt (@lara_holt) on

5. Dorchester’s Strand Theater exhibited some of its historic preservation work in action.

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