Keep Yourself in Twerking Shape with Gronk Fitness

Gronk Fitness/Photo provided
If you’ve partied on Rob Gronkowski’s cruise, binge-watched his Nickelodeon show, read his instant-classic book, and still can’t get enough of the Patriots star, pencil a trip to Medford into your schedule.
On January 2, the Medford Boston Sports Clubs (BSC) will celebrate the historic debut of the Gronk Fitness Program, an interval training system developed by the Gronkowski family and inspired by the methods of NFL trainers. The program’s four classes use a combination of aerobic and strength exercises, done in a group, to keep you in twerking shape.
“My workouts have changed so much over the last few years. It’s not just weight training anymore. In order to stay healthy, recover quickly, and continue building strength and agility, I’ve combined different types of low impact, sports circuit exercises to maximize and expand my abilities,” Gronk said in a statement. “This is what we’re bringing to BSC.”
While, alas, “the Gronk Zone”—masters of branding, this family—will initially be exclusive to Medford’s Wellington Circle BSC, the Gronk experience may soon arrive at a gym near you. The goal is to bring the workout to other BSC locations within the year, reps say.
Getting Gronk’d may be priceless in your heart, but you’ll still have to cough up $179 for an eight-pack of classes, $99 for a four-pack, or $32 for a single session. Hey, it’s more affordable than that infamous Tom Brady cookbook.
Premieres 1/2/17. Boston Sports Clubs, 70 Station Landing, Medford,