This Massachusetts Town Is One of the Country’s Healthiest Communities

Gallup and Healthways released the Community Well-Being Rankings on Tuesday.


Barnstable photo via Wiedemann

Boston gets its fair share of love when it comes to health rankings. We won a gold medal in last month’s CityHealth ratings, and last fall we were named the country’s best city for active living. Today, however, we’re sharing the spotlight.

In Gallup and Healthways’ brand new Community Well-Being Rankings, Barnstable claimed second place. The Cape Cod town finished barely behind the Naples, Florida, area, and was the only New England community to make the top 10.

The rankings are based on answers given during more than 350,000 phone interviews conducted in communities across the country, and take into account five different types of well-being: physical, financial, social, community, and purpose.

Boasting a healthy and energetic populace, Barnstable ranked first nationwide in terms of physical well-being. Next came a second-place finish in social well-being, meaning residents have plenty of fulfilling relationships, and fifth place titles in financial and community health, the latter of which focuses on feeling safe and happy where you live. With a 12th place spot, purpose—defined as “liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals”—was the town’s weakest area.

Congratulations, Barnstable, and thanks for proving, yet again, that Massachusetts is a healthy place to be.

See the full report here.