18 Healthy Things to Do This Week

Yoga at the Wang Theatre/Photo provided
Wednesday, May 31
Mindful Eating Workshop: Participate in a discussion and mini coaching session focused on why we snack without thinking, and how to improve your habits.
Free, 5 p.m. WeWork, 745 Atlantic Ave., Boston, eventbrite.com.
The Wellness Project Book Launch: Join author Phoebe Lapine, who penned The Wellness Project: How I Learned to Do Right By My Body, Without Giving Up My Life, at her book launch in Boston. The book details her journey toward health after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.
Free, 6 p.m. Follain, 65 Charles St., Boston, eventbrite.com.
Unwind with AukaLife: AukaLife, a local nutrition supplement startup, is celebrating its successful crowdfunding campaign with yoga and treats. Enjoy a 45-minute yoga flow, smoothies by AukaLife, and makeup by Aisling Organics.
$20, 6 p.m. WeWork, 31 Saint James Ave., Boston, eventbrite.com.
Yoga at the Wang Theatre: Elevate your yoga practice as you flow in the Wang Theatre’s gorgeous Grand Lobby, then stick around for a complimentary glass of wine.
$20, 6 p.m. Wang Theatre, 270 Tremont St., Boston, wang.convio.net.

Aukalife/Photo provided
Thursday, June 1
Kick it for Flying Kites: Join Eliza Shirazi for her signature Kick It by Eliza class. It’s the Kick It Crew’s last big fundraiser before they climb Mount Kilimanjaro to benefit Flying Kites, a Boston-based organization that operates a school in Kenya.
$20, 7:30 p.m. EverybodyFights, 13 Channel Center St., Boston, kickitbyeliza.com.
Opioid Addiction from All Sides: Join Health Innovators’ expert panel for a discussion on opioid policy, research, treatments, challenges, and more.
Free, 6 p.m. Pivotal, 255 Main St., Cambridge, eventbrite.com.
Friday, June 2

Herbstalk/Photo provided
Saturday, June 3
Walk Away from Obesity: Help raise awareness for the obesity epidemic while raising funds for the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.
$25, 8 a.m. Faulkner Hospital, 1153 Centre St., Boston, fundraise.asmbsfoundation.org.
One Million Steps for OCD: As you walk around Boston’s scenic Jamaica Pond, you’ll be raising money and awareness for the International OCD Foundation.
8 a.m. Jamaica Pond Boathouse, 507 Jamaica Way, Boston, crowdrise.com.
Herbstalk 2017: Join Herbstalk for its sixth annual event, a weekend-long workshop that focuses on the art and science of herbalism. There will be classes, artisans, and even urban plant walks.
$15+, 9 a.m. The Armory, 191 Highland Ave., Somerville, herbstalk.org.
Free Tennis Lessons: Start the summer strong with free tennis lessons, plus a cookout and lawn games, at Franklin Park. There are lessons for kids of all ages, and adults.
Free, starts at 11 a.m. Franklin Park Shattuck Grove Courts, 170 Morton St., Jamaica Plain, franklinparktennis.org.
Movement and Balance Workshop: This unique dance class will heighten your body awareness by incorporating elements of qigong and tai chi.
$40, 4 p.m. Masacote School, 215 1st St., Cambridge, salsamasacote.com.
Sunday, June 4
Bikes Not Bombs Bike-a-Thon: Whether you choose the 10-, 30-, 50-, or 100-mile route, your ride will support Bikes Not Bombs’ social justice and community activism work.
$150 fundraising minimum, 7 a.m. 100 Boylston St., Jamaica Plain, bikesnotbombs.org.
AIDS Walk & Run: This is New England’s largest AIDS/HIV fundraising and awareness event. Whether you walk or run, the money you raise will make a difference.
7:30 a.m. DCR Hatch Shell, 47 David G Mugar Way, Boston, aidwalkboston.org.
Yoga Hike: Head to the Middlesex Fells Reservation for a light guided hike, followed by a one-hour outdoor yoga class. Get ready to feel rejuvenated.
$30, 10 a.m. Middlesex Fells Reservation, 52 Hillcrest Parkway, Winchester, backcountryyoga.com.
Healing Energy for Your Pet: At this unique clinic, practitioner Michelle Remeny will use reiki—a healing modality that relies on the transfer of energy—to connect pet owners with their furry companions.
$15, 11 a.m. Especially for Pets, 4 Main St., Wayland, facebook.com.
Kettlebell Workshop: Intimidated by kettlebells? This workshop will break down the basics and help you use the exercise tools in your fitness routine.
$25, 1 p.m. Yangs Martial Arts Association, 5 Basile St., Roslindale, ymaaboston.com.
Myofascial Release Workshop: Join Down Under School of Yoga for an ultra-restorative workshop. You’ll learn to use myofascial release to relieve tension, pain, and muscle imbalances.
$45, 2:50 p.m. Down Under School of Yoga, 306 Walnut St., Newton, downunderyoga.com.
Charity Yoga with Live Music: Asana Charlestown is hosting this charity class, which benefits Fuller Circle’s commitment to helping young adults transition out of foster care. What’s more, it’s accompanied by live music.
$20+ donation, 5:30 p.m. Asana Charlestown, 20 City Square, Charlestown, asanacharlestown.com.