What’s News

Your condensed guide to today’s daily papers.

1190636925No more driving in circles: Logan Airport plans to open 50 “cell phone” parking spots where drivers on airport pickup duty can park for free until receiving a call from their traveler that he’s through security. If we’d had this last week, maybe the whole Star Simpson incident could have been avoided. [Globe]

Feel like you’re being watched? That’s because you are. Governor Deval Patrick’s anti-terrorism plan includes installing cameras around public transit hubs. State legislators also want the cameras installed around public schools. [Herald]

The postal service acts fast: Postal workers delivered 23,000 households’ worth of antibiotics in six hours during yesterday’s drill in the South End and West Roxbury, which is much faster than officials anticipated. We win, terrorists! [Globe]

Most popular escapee: Little Joe, cause of legal problems for Zoo New England, is also a source of delight. Now that the gorilla is in his new, more escape-proof digs, families are coming in droves to see him. [Herald]