No Mike?

1206716415The internet has been buzzing with rumors that WBUR is looking to hire former Globe columnist and NBC contributor Mike Barnicle. Yesterday, Dan Kennedy posted an email from WBUR general manager Paul La Camera in which he doesn’t confirm or deny, but says that we should all get over that whole plagiarism thing.

It seems like some people aren’t willing to let Barnicle off the hook quite yet. Someone’s started a blog simply called nomike.

The single page (and single-entry) blog features links to articles that cast Barnicle in a negative light. Highlights include his praise of controversial talk show host Don Imus, links to Dan Kennedy’s damning pieces about him in the Phoenix, and Barnicle’s recent inflammatory comments about Hillary Clinton on MSNBC.

Stay tuned, kids. Until this rumor is put to bed, it’s going to be an interesting fight.