The Best and Worst of 2012 Pop Culture


50shadesPhoto via 50 Shades of Grey Fan Club

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Reviewers believe that Flynn’s thriller novel is page-turner, but let me assure you that that’s a fact. The plot revolves around a married couple named Amy and Nick—both of whom are certifiably psychotic, yet so completely relatable as a couple, it’s disturbing. It makes me question my own sanity as a human. The plot is so cleverly written, you’ll be astounded by the mystery surrounding Amy’s disappearance by the end of the book.

Fifty Shade of Grey trilogy by E.L. James

We hate to love this series. It’s a guilty pleasure in ever sense of the phrase, and according to Forbes, Fifty Shades arouses “more than just book sales.” Forbes says the series has boosted sales on sex toys and books on sex bondage. Widely accepted as Mommy Porn, the series is getting credit for spicing up the sex lives of married folks. Sort of in the same way Twilight made teen romances more angsty. Or was that One Direction fan-fiction?