A Troupe of Acrobatic Cats Are Pouncing Their Way Into Somerville Soon
For two days at the end of July, people curious about what sorts of tricks cats are capable of will be able to get their paws on tickets to a feline extravaganza.
On July 24 through the 25, The Amazing Acro-Cats, a 13-cat stunt troupe that tours the country with self-proclaimed cat whisperer Samantha Martin, will be making a pit stop in Somerville at the Center for Arts at The Armory.
A chance to see The Amazing Acro-Cats will cost event-goers $20, but the trainers promise that attendees won’t be disappointed. “These fantastic felines push carts, ride skateboards, roll barrels, ring bells, turn on lights, walk tight ropes, jump through hoops, and much, much more,” according to a description of the animals’ abilities.
Martin, who uses specific and unique methods to train pets that are usually difficult to teach tricks, is known as pioneer in the feline behavioral expert industry, and has devoted her life to working with animals for this show.
Here is how Martin describes the cat act, which was first created seven years ago, and has been touring the country for the last three:
We use our show as an entertaining demonstration of what cats are really capable of, as well as the healthy benefits of clicker training…A training method that revolves around positive reinforcement only. By training your own feline, many behavioral problems can be prevented while also providing physical exercise and mental stimulation…Plus it’s a great way to spend some quality time with your kitty.
The Amazing Acro-Cats is just one of four companies in the US that trains cats to do tricks. But this isn’t just any old cat show—this one has a compassionate purpose, too.
For the last three years the trainers that run the Acro-Cats have been bringing in strays and adopted animals to be part of their troupe. They have also helped find homes for some of those felines as they continued to tour the country, showing off their four-legged skills.
Last year the Acro-Cats raised more than $30,000 on Kickstarter so they could buy a touring bus and share it with a group of rock-and-roll performance felines known as the “Rock Cats.”
Those pets will be jamming out at the event, and attendees can scope the new tour bus that the animals call home.
Below is a video of just what the entertaining cats can do when on stage: