Dan Aykroyd Will Be at Machine Nightclub Promoting His Vodka Business
If you want to see a drag show and also shake hands with Dan Aykroyd—yes, that Dan Aykroyd—then head over to Machine Nightclub in the Fenway area Monday night.
The former Saturday Night Live star, and beloved Ghostbuster character, will be making an appearance at the club, which bills itself as the premiere spot to catch drag shows in the city.
Aykroyd will show up at the Boylston Street bar around 10 p.m. Monday night, and do a meet and greet, take time to appear in photos, and sign autographs. Attendees are urged to bring in any memorabilia for him to sign, according to event details.
The reason for the visit? Machine claims they are the biggest seller of Crystal Head Vodka in the New England area, and Aykroyd just so happens to be the cofounder of the booze company. “[He] is coming to Machine to see what it’s all about,” according to the event page’s information. “This is a once in a lifetime chance to meet a movie and television superstar.”
Email inquiries about Aykoryd’s appearance were not immediately returned. The bar is encouraging people to dress up for the event, which includes a drag show performance at both 10:30 p.m., and again at 12:30 a.m., and show up in costumes from some of Aykroyd’s most famous movies, including Coneheads and the Blues Brothers.
The night is hosted by Broadway veteran Lili Whiteass, with top 40 dance songs and remixes by DJ Jay Ine.
Aykroyd first launched his vodka brand back in 2008 with the help of artist and sculptor John Alexander, who designed the intricate glass container that holds the alcoholic beverage.
Aykroyd does a better job of discussing his vodka brand in this eight-minute video below, where he talks about the legend of the “13 crystal skulls” found around the world, dating back more than 5,000 years, which allegedly have special powers. Aykroyd said the legend behind the crystal skulls is what inspired the “masterpieces” that are his vodka bottles.