Whitey Bulger Biopic Black Mass to Hold Casting Call This Weekend

Johnny Depp Image via GIFAKE on Flickr
Do you live in the greater Boston area? Would you like to (basically) become the next Matt or Ben? Are you a man, woman, or child of any ethnicity that also looks like an Italian or Irish “wise guy”?
Fabulous. Because the new major biopic based on Whitey Bulger, Black Mass, is coming to town this weekend to hold an open casting call. Yes, that’s right. You can audition for a potential speaking role for a major feature film—and maybe work with Johnny Depp as Whitey.
According to CP Casting & Acting Studio’s posting, the casting call will be held both Saturday and Sunday, April 12 and 13, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Boston Teacher’s Union / Carson Place, 180 Mount Vernon Street in Dorchester. Funny enough, the posting is very general, yet very specific in terms of who and what the film is looking for. The posting reads:
Background extras and speaking roles needed for a feature film that will shoot in Boston May 19 thru August 1. We are looking for men, women, & children of all ethnicities and types. ITALIAN WISE GUYS, IRISH TOUGH GUYS, POLITICIANS, SOUTHIE ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY, PEOPLE WITH CARS FROM THE 70’S/80’S TO REPRESENT BOSTON IN THE 1970’s AND 80’s.
This essentially looks like anybody can audition, whether you have acting experience or not. But if you look like Al Pacino, that would probably be better.
What else do you need to know? Being in line when the doors open doesn’t make your chances any better, just show up if/when you can. Also, you don’t need to prepare. They may ask you to read a line or two if they think it’s appropriate (or if you look like Al Pacino).
And finally, casting wants you to know that they will be filming between May 19 and July 30. And most of the movie will “shoot Monday thru Friday during the day when daytime scenes are filmed and at night when night scenes are filmed.” As if that wasn’t straightforward enough.
For more specific (and LOL-worthy) info check out the CP Casting’s direct posting. See you there!