Watch Dude Perfect’s Gillette Stadium Trick Shots Video

Five guys and a panda walk into 1 Patriot Place…

In their latest video, the sports entertainment team Dude Perfect makes Gillette Stadium their personal playground.

Comprising five friends and a panda mascot named Panda, Dude Perfect is best known for posting amazing trick shot videos on YouTube, as well as their hilarious “Stereotypes” series. They have more than 3 million subscribers, world records, a book, an app, and the envy of sports enthusiasts everywhere.

In the new video (above), Gillette has invited the guys to Foxborough to see what they would do on the New England Patriots’ home turf.

The team does not disappoint, hitting the mark from far and wide in the bleachers in football, soccer, golf, Frisbee, tennis, baseball, and basketball. And of course, the men of Dude Perfect also spend a little time running wildly around the stadium, for no better reason than it’s Gillette.

At 0:50, tall guy Cody Jones dedicates “The Upper Deck Shot” to Tom Brady, and from said upper deck, throws a football into a basketball hoop on the field below.

At 2:15, Cory Cotton manages to not hit Panda with a fast-flying tennis ball. In the extra video below, you can see the practice shot in which Cory does hit Panda…in the neck. Don’t worry, Panda’s fine. He always is.

And at 5:00, the team lathers on shaving cream, because did I mention? It’s Gillette. #GetBeard. #GuyStuff.