Seven Cool Ideas for Snow-Covered Boston

Resistance is futile—here's how folks around town are embracing the snow.

No, there’s no actual ski slope set up in the Seaport, but wouldn’t that be fun? @RedBullBoston added some flair to a photo that @Conventures took of a snow farm that has only been getting bigger and bigger as the winter days go by. The mock ski hill comes complete with flags, arch, and even a ski lift.

This is just one of many ways people have been having fun with snow-covered Boston, because after weeks of unprecedented snowfall, painful commutes, and back-aching shoveling, the phrase “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” is now on many peoples’ minds.

Here are some other standout things that Boston residents have been doing to make light of our snowy situation.

Snow, shmow. When it’s this cold outside, we’ve got only one thing on our minds, and that’s drinking. Rather than jump into the pile of snow in your yard (the mayor says stop that), do some snow sculpting and voila—instant ice bar. Read more.

While the Red Bull setup is just a super-fun idea, the Lawn on D is hosting actual winter sports athletes this weekend at Slope Fest, their last event of the season. The professionals will show off high-flying tricks, and visitors are welcome to slide down the Lawn’s two-story-high slope. Snow tubes will be provided. Details.

The Seaport’s is hardly the only massive pile of snow around town. At MIT, the kids are traversing the “Alps of MIT.” #ThatsSoMIT. Read more.

One man’s trashy snow pile is another artist’s blank canvas. Grendel’s Den in Harvard Square built the Wall from Game of Thrones. Learn more.

You know what they say: when life gives you snowbanks, make an igloo…then put it up for rent on AirBNB. Read more.

And of course, the hero of Boston’s horrendous 2015 winter season is still the Boston Yeti. Read our Q&A with your friendly neighborhood vegan abominable snowman.