Calling All Boston Metalheads: Ghostbusters Needs You

Photo via AP
The folks behind the new Ghostbusters movie have spent the summer turning Boston into New York City, throwing our supposed citywide inferiority complex all out of whack. They wanted to film in Boston! But they dressed us up like New York. But movie stars are here! But that isn’t the right Chinatown.
Following a more general casting call in Dorchester last month, filmmakers are now looking for heavy metal fans, or at least those who look the part, for a concert scene to be filmed at the historic Wang Theatre next week. Reports
Billy Dowd Casting says it’s looking for people 35 and under—as well as older people who look like metal heads—to play the audience at a heavy metal concert in a scene that films from July 28 to 30. Dowd warns that the job doesn’t pay big bucks—but parking and lunch are included… To apply, send a clear and recent photo with your name, age, and number to
Hey, parking and lunch is more than most Herald writers get.