Ben Affleck Feeling the ‘Pressure’ of Batman v Superman

Photo by Warner Bros. Pictures / DC Comics
Will Ben Affleck be the Batman that Gotham deserves, or is he not the hero it needs right now? That question will be answered next spring when the Boston-bred actor makes his debut as the Dark Knight in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
As expected with such a blockbuster superhero film, there’s a lot riding on Affleck’s shoulders to deliver with his take on the Caped Crusader. In a recent interview with Variety, the star opened up about the pressure of putting on the cape and cowl.
“I think there is a ton of pressure on it,” Affleck said. “I mean I would be bulls—ting you to say there isn’t.”
While the actor admitted he’s happy that the studio was thoughtful and took its time with producing the film, he is a bit annoyed with the huge expectations surrounding the project.
“We are a very kind of instant gratification culture when it comes to analyzing the film business. And there is a lot of hyperbole involved,” Affleck said. “Nonetheless, there’s a lot of pressure on it. If it doesn’t do well, that will be extremely disappointing.”
Affleck’s had to move a lot around to accommodate playing Batman in the DC Comics cinematic universe.
Not only will he be playing Bruce Wayne in Batman v Superman, but the local star is also expected to don his superhero digs in the team-up event Justice League as well as the rumored solo Batman project, which Affleck may or may not direct.
Getting behind the camera for a Caped Crusader movie will depend on how filming goes for his non-Batman flicks The Accountant and Live by Night. Affleck is currently shooting the later around Boston, so if he can finish up these projects in time, maybe we will see the star bring his Academy Award-winning directing skills to a Dark Knight project.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice flies into theaters on March 25, 2016.