John Krasinski Defends the Honor of Boston Sports Fans on ESPN

John Krasinski Photo by s_bukley /
As an avid Boston sports fan, John Krasinski isn’t afraid to defend his hometown teams when they come under fire.
While out on a press tour for his new film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, the Newton-born actor got a bit feisty during an interview with ESPN’s His & Hers.
After hosts Michael Smith and Jemele Hill took aim at Boston fans for being “really annoying,” Krasinski fired back by bringing up the city’s long history of cultivating championship-winning teams.
“I guess you guys hate winning and legacy and dynasty teams,” Krasinski said.
The tongue-in-cheek response didn’t stop Hill from going after Boston fans, particularly members of Patriots nation, which she would rank in the top five of her most hated teams (although she admitted to being a Tom Brady lover).
Once again, Krasinski was forced to defend the honor of his fellow fans, which he did admirably while sprinkling in a few Boston-themed, self-deprecating jokes.
“We have this way of winning that’s really annoying,” Krasinski quipped. “I think it’s in your blood when you come out. I think you have a Good Will Hunting tattoo and a Patriots jersey on your back. I have mine, it’s wearing off.”
As for his thoughts on the Patriots’ playoff chances, the former Office star isn’t concerned about his favorite team.
“That’s my pigheaded Boston way is to say I’m not concerned,” Krasinski said. “I think [Julian] Edelman is coming back, and if he does come back, it’s a whole new ballgame. And I think the playoffs does something to the Patriots. None of the other teams–just the Patriots.”
Check out more of Krasinski’s interview in the video below.