Check Out the Powerful New Trailer for Mark Wahlberg’s Patriots Day

Photo by Karen Ballard
CBS Films and Lionsgate released a powerful new trailer for Mark Wahlberg’s Patriots Day on Monday morning.
The latest preview for the upcoming Boston Marathon bombing movie focuses on several key moments in the film, including the portrayal of the actual attack. The trailer also offers a glimpse at scenes set during the manhunt for the Tsarnaev brothers, as well as the tense interrogation of Tamerlan’s wife Katherine Russell, played by Supergirl star Melissa Benoist.
Wahlberg plays Police Sergeant Tommy Saunders in Patriots Day, a composite character based on members of local law enforcement. Judging by the new trailer, Wahlberg’s character will be involved throughout the investigation.
“We got to find these guys before they do this to someone else,” Wahlberg says in the clip to Kevin Bacon, who plays FBI agent Richard DesLauriers.
In addition to the Dorchester actor, the film stars John Goodman as former police commissioner Ed Davis, Michael Beach as former Governor Deval Patrick, and J.K. Simmons as Watertown police sergeant Jeffrey Pugliese.
Check out the full new trailer for Patriots Day below.
Patriots Day opens in Boston, Los Angeles, and New York on December 21, and will receive a wide release on January 13, 2017.