Can You Dig Canstruction 2014?

Grumpy Cat Canstruction. / Photo by Madeline Bilis
There’s a Grumpy Cat made out of cans at BSA Space.
Why? It’s part of Canstruction, an exhibit made of just what it sounds like: constructions out of cans. A charity event put on by the Boston Society of Architects, Canstruction challenges designers, engineers, architects, and contractors to build sculptures from canned goods. Grumpy Cat, along with 15 other can creations aligning with this year’s pop culture theme, are on display through October 31.
After that, all of the cans will be donated to the Merrimack Valley Food Bank in Lowell. Since Canstruction was formed by the Society for Design Administration in 1992, competitions across the U.S. have raised more than 21 million pounds of food to feed the hungry.
In Boston, 16 teams built their structures this past Saturday in less than 12 hours, adhering to two main rules: structures must be completely self-supporting, and they could not use glue. However, cardboard less than half an inch thick, rubber bands, and tape were permitted.
Awards in various categories were announced at a gala for Canstruction 2014 on Wednesday. See the list of winners below.
Canstruction 2014 at BSA Space

Best Use of Labels
Le Canbusier: Canbu Take a Selfie, by HMFH Architects, Inc.
This category acknowledged “the creative placement of can labels in such a way to add breadth and depth to the sculpture.”
Structural Ingenuity
We All Live in a CANary Yellow Submarine, by Sasaki Associates
The winner of two awards, this Canstruction took home the award for the best free-standing structure following rules related to leveling materials and adhesives.
Best Meal
Keep on Truck-Can!, by Prellwitz Chilinski Associates, Inc.
Also called a “friend of the food bank,” this structure had all of the components to create a well-balanced meal. Some of the cans include Hormel Chili with Beans, Del Monte Blue Lake Cut Green Beans, and Market Basket Sliced Beets.
Juror’s Favorite
Boston Rocks Hunger, by Lavallee Brensigner Architects
The overall favorite of the judging panel was totally rockin’. Its description noted, “The first note in this chord is struck with a strong Baked Bean.”
Director’s Choice
Hunger Takes a Toll, by ARC/Architectural Resources Cambridge, Inc.
This award is chosen by the chairperson of Canstruction Boston. The troll was made completely of tuna cans.
People’s Choice
We All Live in a CANary Yellow Submarine, by Sasaki Associates
By voting on Facebook, the public chose the People’s Choice award. This Canstruction also used the most cans out of all of the structures—5,773!
Honorable Mention
KISS Hunger Goodbye, by CBT Architects
Its description asks, “Are you ready to rock ‘n’ roll all night and destroy hunger every day?”
Canstruction 2014 will be on display through October 31 at BSA Space, 290 Congress St., Suite 200, Boston, 617-391-4000,