Taylor Swift Gives Boston College a Shoutout for ‘Shake It Off’ Video
Taylor Swift is happy about almost everything, but today in particular, her extreme joy was inspired by some folks over at Boston College. The singer tweeted out a video created by the college’s Church in 21st Century Center to her 45 million+ followers; it features a bunch of students and staffers dancing and lip-syncing to Swift’s new song “Shake It Off.”
According to its description on YouTube, the video is student-produced and was inspired by the C21 Center’s “Espresso Your Faith Week” happening at BC. The video “serves as an invitation to Shake Off our burdens and choose to foster ‘Agape: unconditional love that seeks nothing in return’ in the lives of others.”
Swift has a history of tweeting out fan videos. Back in September, she was so inspired by a Kentucky frat’s lip-dub that she personally invited all of the guys to a show on her tour next year. “Nailed it, bros!”
It’s very cool that Swift’s shoutout to BC reached her enormous Twitter audience, and unsurprisingly, the singer is “SO happy” about it. Oh Taylor, stealing hearts one catchy tune at a time.