Johnny Depp Smooches Jimmy Kimmel While Promoting Black Mass

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Johnny Depp stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live Thursday night to promote his new Whitey Bulger flick Black Mass, but not before planting a big ol’ kiss on host Jimmy Kimmel, as is tradition.
“In South Boston, he was sort of the power in the area,” Depp said. “And in that field—let’s say, gangster—the common language is really violence.”
Depp said he broke his personal rule of never watching his own films and attended a screening of Black Mass at the Venice Film Festival, calling it a “beautifully made film.” As beautiful as it was, Depp still couldn’t help falling asleep in the theater, seated beside director Scott Cooper.
“I have a problem watching films of any kind. Unless it’s a documentary—I can watch those. But cinema, films, I become narcoleptic,” Depp said. “I fell asleep about 15 times.”
Black Mass is slated for a September 18 release. The Coolidge Corner Theatre will host a private screening on September 15, with several cast members expected to attend. (No word if that includes a drowsy Depp.)
You can watch Depp talking about playing Bulger, one of the most notorious gangsters in American history, below.