Newton Native Wows Stephen Colbert with Dorm Restaurant Delicacies

Stephen Colbert booked one of New York’s hottest chefs as a guest for Wednesday’s episode of the Late Show–a Columbia University student who runs a restaurant out of his dorm.
Newton native Jonah Reider has been getting a ton of attention for serving up gourmet meals at Pith, the trendy eatery he operates from the confines of his room at Hogan Hall.
As Colbert explained, the 21-year-old has “over a thousand” people on a waiting list to eat dinner out of his dorm. Reider clarified that it’s actually a thousand parties of four, which blew the late night host’s mind.
The budding culinary star admitted that Columbia has been “less than pleased” with his venture and for speaking out against the school.
“Columbia’s official magazine hit me up to write an article about it,” Reider said. “After expressing some of my sentiments about the university and our relationship, they were like ‘We’ll hold the article for a little bit.'”
Reider went on to dazzle Colbert–an avid foodie–with one of his home cooked meals, a “phyllo dough spanakopita kind of dessert that’s filled with honey that’s infused with black truffle.” The dish also included a pear nectar sorbet on the side.
“That is fantastic,” Colbert said after taking a bite. “That is delicious, unexpected.”
Check out Reider’s appearance on the Late Show below.